Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn
With over 30 years of service to the Limsan Armada, Storm Commander Sylbfohc Ostulmsyn is a seasoned veteran of land and sea combat. From Aleport based Yellowjacket, to Knight of the Baracuda, to Maelstrom - he's seen it all.
After Captaining one of the ships ordered to blockade Castrum Marinum in Operation Archon (ARR MSQ) he was promoted to Storm Commander and now commands the land-based Maelstrom's 1st Squadron, 9th Levy.
AT A GLANCE (common appearance):

GENDER // Male
RACE // Roegadyn
CLAN // Sea Wolf
HEIGHT // 7 fulms, 9 ilms
WEIGHT // xx onze
AGE // Roughly early 50s
BUILD // Bara with dad belly - broad & muscular
SKIN // Dark green
HAIR // Silver with graying black streaks
BEARD // Silver chops with graying black streaks on either side of his mouth
JAW // Square, strong lines
CHEEKS // High, broad cheek bones
MOUTH // Very full-lipped, broad
NOSE // Broad, yet delicately shaped
CHIN // Broad, dimple in the center
BROWS // Strong boned, neatly groomed silver eyebrows
EYES // Pale gray, like sea mist
FACE TATTOOS // Black tribal lines beneath eyes, white tribal coloring on eyelids to the inner eye with a black "pupil" in the center of his lid - only visible when he closes his eyes, giving his eyes the appearance of always being open (even when they're closed)
ATTIRE // Storm Officer Uniform with Commander's hat
A CLOSER LOOK (shirtless or off duty):

CHEST // Covered in thick white hair with graying black peppered in
TATTOOS // Thick black bands around biceps, triceps, and quads. Black tribal shapes, similar to those found under his eyes, tracing the length of his back
SCARS // Thick scar on the left side of his belly with a matching one on his back (stabbed through with a spear), three gunshot wounds (two in the right shoulder, one in the left), shallower cuts criss-crossed here and there
ATTIRE // Often neatly dressed for a rugged man, reflecting wealth and the enjoyment of finer things

Has a reputation amongst Limsa Lomisa for:
Being one of Limsa's longest term and highly desired bachelors, commonly called the "Silver Fox of Limsa," sworn to a love he lost at sea long ago
Disappointing all who were romantically or sexually interested in him by marrying a Duskwight late in life, whose plainness added insult to injury as people assumed that if anyone would win his affection again it would be a person whose beauty matches his own
Sticking his neck out for troubled people with dicey legal history by adopting them into his Levy and personally vouching for them
Being a fair Commander who, although stern at times, genuinely cares for his people
Hating carbuncles, though few understand why. Something about a carbuncle exploding? Regardless, it's common for Limsers to pull carbuncle related pranks on him, all of which he chalks up to extremely bad luck
Public Record
All things that your character could know ICly before ever interacting with him ICly. A simple look at his public records in Limsa Lominsa would yield all of the following information:
BORN // xxxx namesday in Aleport to Ostulm xx and Strybloum xx
MARITIAL STATUS // Married, x date to Ojene Suinuet
OFFSPRING // Estorme Sylbfohcwyn (f)
OCCUPATION // Maelstrom Storm Commander (1st Squadron, 9th Levy), Maelstrom trained Warrior
RESIDENCE // Redacted
1542 (age 14) // Registered as Yellowjacket trainee, Aleport, under the guidance of Yellowjacket Major Ostulm xx
1545 (age 16) // Formally inducted into the Yellowjackets, stationed in Aleport
1552 (age 26) // Mother dies from illness
1552 (age 26) // Suspended from the Yellowjackets, in violation of-- // REDACTED //
1553 (age 27) // Reinstated to the Yellowjackets
1559 (age 29) // Transferred to the Knights of the Barracuda (x Squadron, x Levy) and promoted to Sergeant, under Captain xx
1561 (age 31) // Briefly engaged to wed Dekkyra Iyrnfyndrwyn, a Sea Wolf lass from his home town
1563 (age 33) // Shows his support to Limsa's new Admiral after she wins the Trident: Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn
1566 (age 36) // Promoted to Lieutenant, under Captain xx
1567 (age 37) // Father dies in combat while defending Aleport from the Sahagin
1572 (age 42) // Is among the Knights of the Barracuda who fight to defend Eorzea from the VIIth Imperial Legion of the Garlean Empire at Carteneau - and then THE CALAMITY fell upon them all
1572 (age 42) // Joins the newly formed Maelstrom (x Squadron, x Levy), under the leadership of Commander xx. Is promoted to Captain and given a ship whose Captain died at Carteneau
1577 (age 47) // Participates in creating a blockade around the sea-based Castrum Marinum (ARR MSQ)
1578 (age 48) // Declares a wife: Ojene Suinuet, their specific wedding date unclear in the records
1579 (age 49) // Promoted to Storm Commander and charged with leading new land-based 1st Squadron, 9th Levy
From here on out his age and the specific dates are vague. Assume that all of the following events occurred in his early 50s.
Deployed to Gyr Abania along with the Maelstrom Levy that he commands (1st Squadron, 9th Levy) to assist in the united Alliance efforts to free Ala Mhigo from Garlean influence
Daughter was born in Castrum Oriens during wartime: Estorme Sylbfohcwyn
Deployed to Doma on along with the Maelstrom Levy that he commands (1st Squadron, 9th Levy) on a diplomatic mission to assist in the reconstruction of the Doman Enclave
He and the Maelstrom's 1st Squadron, 9th Levy are back at their home base in Limsa's Mists.
It's not uncommon for sailors to be superstitious, and Sylb is no exception. He observes his devotion to the patron Llymlaen through a mixture of pilgrimage, prayer, and situational habits intended to ward off anything that might hinder his goal to remain tuned to her divine navigation of his life's path.
Llymlaen's Pilgrimage
Reciting the Sailor's Requiem at the beginning and end of every voyage
Offering the first of fine drink to Llymlaen by lifting it to the wind, saying a prayer, and pouring it into the sea
Displaying worth through feats of strength
Competition in everything

Sea Wolf:
Wedding traditions from the Old Land
A love of rain
Teaching children how to swim before they can walk
Seafaring and fishing

Tattoos beneath the eyes will enable a sailor to always find land
Tattooed eyelids will ward off enemies during sleep
Losing a hat overboard is an omen for a long and dangerous voyage
Trimming nails, cutting hair, and shaving off a beard while at sea brings bad luck to the crew
A strong woman at the helm during a voyage brings good luck - a true sister of Llymlaen
The anniversary of the Calamity is a no-sail day, believed to bring bad luck strong enough to cause your ship to sink should you sail on this day anyway
It's bad luck to rename a ship

Hauntings / ghosts / spoop
Dying while his daughter is still young
He knows that he'll die before his elezen wife but he still fears the idea of leaving her alone
The safety of his wife and / or daughter